Sunday, 14 September 2008

Tub report.

The leaves are being eaten by us and by others.
Self-set tomatoes - any good recipes for green tomato chutney? 
Pallets awaiting conversion;  broad beans and early peas next; and a new tub for garlic and narcissus if the labourers get going. 
posted by sally


Anonymous said...

When making green tomato chutney it's always best to use green tomatoes. I hope this has been helpful
'Onest 'andsome 'Arry XXX

walrus21 said...

Your advice is always welcome, OAA; we`re happy to have a visiting guru, particularly one with expertise on the culinary front.

walrus21 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Keith Floyd is your friend

First on the list is

Or alternatively

walrus21 said...

We know Keith`s rules; a slurp as you pick up the wooden spoon. SPLENDID!