Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Antipodean connections

Australian chap cuddling Australian chicken. I hope it`s not the one they have decided to call `Omelette`. We hear they (3 or 4 of them) have gone into egg production within a day or two of moving in. Keep that henhouse secure and enjoy your souffles! 


Unknown said...

Free range is the way forward !

walrus21 said...

Free-ish maybe, but we all have watch out for foxes.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend with a pig called 'rasher'. Perhaps the Beach hut should go into production being a bacon and egg breakfast cafe (with merlot).

walrus21 said...

Brilliant idea! Will you be my business partner, OAA?

Anonymous said...

FAO Anonymous...

Was your friend called Dennis the Menace by any chance?