Sunday, 7 June 2009

The glass is half full ......

...... and here we have the first picking of broad beans from the tub in the yard.
Oh bliss! Oh joy! Nothing tastes better than this, worth the waiting and the watering.
The seeds were planted in the autumn and I worried about them through the winter and cared about them in the spring and now I have had my reward.


Sian said...

OOOoh I so envy you! Mine plants are just a few inches tall but I *did* only plant them a few weeks ago. I have early peas on the go though so hope they will be ready soon. Nothing tastes quite as good as fresh home grown produce, whatever it is!!

walrus21 said...

We planted the broadies last Autumn ... and they did look a bit sickly by February .. but they came round! We must compare notes on peas ... the mangetout are looking healthy but no flowers yet.
Good luck, walrus

Unknown said...

broadies? sorry but YUK!!

mange tout were fine then... disaster... mega slug attack... POO (teach me not to renew pellets after rain...!!)

cucus + toms looking fine in their new plastic greenhouse homes :) will be interesting to see the differences (if any) between growing in glass greenhouse mostly in full sun and plastic jobbies in afternoon shade.

finally got round to pricking out globe artichokes - yummy !
runners, french climbers, courgettes, cobnut squash, etc all looking good :)

all in all garden looking ok despite having lost all hope at the far end - am sure there is at least one missing tribe down there...!!

claire x