Wednesday 5 October 2011

Is this the last day of summer?

Someone is looking after one of the Horned Poppies and has put stones round it for protection. It was not me, honest.

The beach was looking lovely and as you can see, I had it all to myself, well almost, there was a couple walking a dog.

There is a feeling of mild panic at the moment as the Cromer and Sheringham Arts Festival is only two and bit weeks away.
There was so much time and now there is none. I have sculpture to finish and little dragons to cut out of plastic for making mobiles at one of the events, and who knows what else will turn up.

Time for glass of wine.


claire said...

Plastic dragons? Who needs wine....???
Wonderful that someone else recognises the value of horned poppies...

walrus21 said...

I need wine dragons not withstanding.