Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Just one more thing ...............................

A Call to Action for COAST (Cromer & Sheringham Arts Festival 22-29 Oct)
Coast has been accepted by the NatWest CommunityForce awards, and is in with a chance of winning £6,000 WITH YOUR HELP!
NatWest CommunityForce is a £3m initiative to help local charities, organisations and groups raise publicity, attract volunteers and receive funding. In each of the 158 CommunityForce areas, three local projects will receive an award of £6,000 each. An online public vote will decide the award winners.
If you’d like to support COAST 2011, you can vote by following the steps below. Please don’t be put off, although there are several steps, it doesn’t take very long and we would be very grateful for your help.
1. Go to the NatWest Community Force website by HYPERLINK "https://communityforce.natwest.com/user/register/" \o "https://communityforce.natwest.com/user/register/" \t "_blank" clicking here
2. Fill in the online form including your email address then click on the “Submit registration” button
3. You’ll receive an email which will ask you to “Confirm your registration”. Click on the link to confirm. You’ll be taken to the Community Force site.
4. Click on “Log in” in the top right hand corner
5. Enter your email address
6. Enter the password you chose to use
7. Click on the green “Login” button
1. Go to the NatWest Community Force COAST 2011 page by HYPERLINK "http://communityforce.natwest.com/project/2408" \o "http://communityforce.natwest.com/project/2408" \t "_blank" clicking here
2. Click in the box next to “I accept the NatWest CommunityForce Voting Terms and Conditions”
3. Click on the “Vote for us” button
It looks horribly complicated but it truly is not that bad and we would be MOST grateful for your vote.

It is all falling into place.....

.....even as the workers are feeling the strain. The posters show the three {how did that happen} events that I am involved with this year. The surfers are a joint effort between Liane and me which has been great fun if a little taxing on the techie side.

The 2D show only needs my help in setting up with the rest of the team. It will be fun as we can't hang on the walls and there is no time to set up screens, so it will easels.

The Turning Point is chasing dragons this year so I am madly cutting out plastic dragons so the children can hang them on mobiles.
It is all good fun if a little tiring.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Is this the last day of summer?

Someone is looking after one of the Horned Poppies and has put stones round it for protection. It was not me, honest.

The beach was looking lovely and as you can see, I had it all to myself, well almost, there was a couple walking a dog.

There is a feeling of mild panic at the moment as the Cromer and Sheringham Arts Festival is only two and bit weeks away.
There was so much time and now there is none. I have sculpture to finish and little dragons to cut out of plastic for making mobiles at one of the events, and who knows what else will turn up.

Time for glass of wine.