Sunday, 8 March 2009

New land.....

.... and the survivor of the building work.
 All this new topsoil  is in need of new plants; what joy!
 There will be a trip to a local nursery tomorrow to start the process of selection and then planting. 
This is not an easy garden as the wind and salt spray have an adverse effect on most plants.
 The patio is south-facing and protected by the new room so it should be able to support more interesting plants. 
The terrace is in the teeth of the wind so we may only manage the thugs of the plant world;  watch this space.


Sian said...

I shall watch this space with interest! I need some "thugs" for the end of the border that is nearest the shore with no protection. Apart from hebe, fuschia and rosa rugosa I'm stuck for ideas!

walrus21 said...

We are on The Case!
How is your weather, Sian?
We heard rumours of storms .....

Anonymous said...

Well, Jen, if you have your Mother's green fingers, everything will take and you will have a riot of colour. Remember her Alpines at Linslade?

Luck and love to you both,


Sian said...

Yes we've had some windy days but not the forecast storms thank goodness. The sun finally feels like it has some warmth in it though which is great!

walrus21 said...

Sian, I don`t suppose you do facebook, do you?