Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Got that wrong.........

The number of tiles required for a given area should be simple but if the new room is a little bigger, and our assumptions turned out to be ill-founded, oops.
And yet another week disappears.


Anonymous said...

Im not quite getting the connection here... surely you just slice and dice until they fit...? Or am I being a total noob when it comes to building works

walrus21 said...

You probably are being a noob (?) The floor area is bigger than the quantity of tiles we ordered because we didn`t appreciate that the room they have built is bigger than the one we thought we were going to get.
Simple really!

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear. Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear. What a mistiker to miker (say it out loud). Commiserations from me, but David is sniggering over his sister's plight - the Swine. Hope it doesn't take too long to put right.

Love, Sue xx

Anonymous said...

..............PS David has just received Divine Retribution for sniggering. I have just spotted that one of our long curtains has lost its moorings and is sloping down the window. And he will have to fix it - I don't Do practical. Ha! Serves him right!!

Anonymous said...

As creative as you are, I'm sure you can come up with an inventive solution . . .

walrus21 said...

The solution is to spend more money, damn it!
But the pain is all about a) the loss of face
b) the loss of time.
Christmas dinner on laps this year (yet again you say?)

walrus21 said...

Many thanks for the commiserations; they are both welcome and necessary. And I think I am pleased that Divine Retribution can be so prompt ........

Anonymous said...

noob = Newbie. Net speak and I just demonstrated my total lack of knowledge. Hence a noob.

Dad pointed out the obvious last night...

walrus21 said...

As dads do.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely - that'll larn him!!

xx Sue