Monday, 9 April 2007

Happy Holidays

Jenny; Sun shining, blue sky, busy weekend coming to a close - it's been a long working week with lots of social.

The stand-offish ginger cat came indoors on Saturday evening and purred loudly, giving his support for our efforts.

I have been an aunt for many years, (one niece), and am now upgraded to great aunt. Does this increase my gravitas or simply mean I am getting older ?

Sally; Saturday evening started with the private view for Denise's paintings. The world was invited but, by and large, didn't turn up. Plenty of compliments, no sales yet. The artist and friends retreated to the Chinese - our lot came back to the Beach Hut; we were a trifle jaded yesterday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To add ,perfect weather,company and the deck beckons for more socials. Roll on summer.!Love from your african zebra.