Friday, 25 June 2010

Strange plants......

The Giant Hogweed is doing too well on the bank opposite the back door, anyone got a machete? I know some people think they are handsome but they seed everywhere and I think they are a pest.

To be told about a rare plant is for me very exciting but to see a whole field of them is almost too much.
This is the Purple Broomrape in all its glory and this is the first time I have ever seen it in the flesh, never mind several hundred of them. It has been recorded in Mundesley but these are in a nearby village, not on my patch. I also understand it is an endangered species so I have been very lucky to see it.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

After the north wind has summer come at last?

Grasses make a change from flowers and I seem to have five or six different ones in the back garden. As you can see the bank needs cutting but it has been looking good if a bit wild.

The North Sea is as ever but looking more inviting in the sun than of late.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

It was a bit crowded this morning.

Can anyone see a wave or are we just hanging out?

Nice one .............. but after you, Clive, or we will bump into each other.

Even in the water a girl has to keep her hair just so.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

A grass and two more flowers.

This is Wall Barley growing on the road edge near the Life Boat station, not Sea Barley which is blue green.

The Tree Lupin is now growing on my patch, above the crab boats, last year I could only find it further along the cliff towards Comer.

The Bird`s-foot Trefoil is all over the cliffs looking very bright and jolly. For the record I saw my first Painted Lady today so summer is almost here.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Some they lose, some they win ....

The surf was not at its best but the boys were out in force.

No sun, but not too cold, so the sea is not sparkling to give that added glamour to the pics.