The grey blanket of cloud has returned today with a little drizzle.
A cushion starfish had washed up on the beach and I don't find starfish very often. I know they eat mussels so was it (and its friends) responsible for all the empty shells ?
It is wet and grey on the beach this morning, flat waves and not much going on. The empty mussel shells were everywhere and there is a scattering of cuttlefish all along the tide line.
This is my studio where I am staying out of the cold grey weather and doing some work.
I know walking in the snow is fun, but this is getting a bit much. The coastal effect should stop the white stuff from being a bother. Anyway it is deep and crisp and even, and rather pretty.
The snow has gone from here for the moment and the sun is doing its best to shine. The North wind, on the other hand, is whipping the sea into a right froth.
No new photos today because I am a wimp with a cold in the head. Maybe tomorrow as the surf is looking good if a bit fierce.