Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Flip horizontal ......

To a lady of my age this has a slightly rude sound.
Fear not, it is all about putting photos on transfers to decorate a deckchair.
Then size is everything, getting the photos to fit on an A4 sheet of transfer film, or whatever. I am losing the plot.
The deckchair is for the Cromer and Sheringham Crab and Lobster Festival so it should be fun but I am way out of my comfort zone. More anon.

Meanwhile, spring is coming to the beach.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Last night I went moon hunting.

I have a friend with a moon gate and she had seen the moon reflected in the pond. So we set out with high hopes as the moon was full and as close to the earth as it gets. But no, the moon was not playing. It hid behind the trees and would not come out.

Never mind - we had a great evening.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

A quiet day on the beach ....

Perfect for a little fishing;
sun and very light breeze.
I don't know if they were catching anything but I am not sure that matters.

The Coltsfoot has appeared and has declared open season for the plant hunting to begin.

So after a mile walk over the soft sand [ hard on the legs ] a result. The Winter heliotrope is coming into flower;
this is a large patch just above the tide line which has not been washed away during the winter.

Having just photographed the coltsfoot I remembered to look at my feet so as not to tread on anything of interest and there it is. The rosette of, I think, the Horned poppy. I will be keeping a close eye on this one.